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时间:2024-07-06 22:00 点击:




The Accord Panel Chair’s update on the higher education review

Professor Mary O’Kane, Chair of the Australian Universities Accord Panel, provides a final update on the Accord, thanking stakeholders for their consultation throughout the Review.





来源: https://www.education.gov.au/australian-universities-accord/announcements/accord-panel-chairs-update-higher-education-review-1



Successful universities announced to deliver Startup Year courses

Eleven universities have been selected to participate in the Startup Year pilot. From 2024, Charles Sturt University, Curtin University, Flinders University, La Trobe University, Queensland University of Technology, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Swinburne University of Technology, The University of New South Wales, The University of Queensland, University of New England, and Western Sydney University will deliver courses under the pilot. Startup Year provides an exciting opportunity for recent graduates, postgraduate and final year undergraduate students to participate in courses to help them develop skills to achieve startup business success. Startups have an important role in job creation, ommercializing ideas, solving social and community-based issues and strengthening links between universities and the community. On average across OECD countries, young firms account for approximately 20 per cent of employment and create almost half of all new jobs. The Tech Council of Australia estimates new technology startups can contribute 30,000 new jobs and $7 billion in value by 2030.Supporting startup creation and the entrepreneurial skillset will play a role in growing productivity and incomes and build a workforce with the skills and capabilities to adapt and thrive in the future labour market.







National Skills Passport consultation is now open

The Department of Education and the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations are seeking submissions as part of a consultation to develop a National Skills Passport. The Hon Jason Clare MP, Minister for Education says that “A National Skills Passport will prove to be invaluable to lifelong learners. It has the potential to support upskilling and reskilling and will help learners keep up with a rapidly changing economy. A National Skills Passport has the potential to be a practical solution that helps individuals who choose to participate to take the next step in their education or career. Users could upload, view, share and assess their skills and qualifications across vocational education and training (VET) and higher education. A National Skills Passport could make it simpler for employers to hire new staff with the skills and qualifications they need and encourage lifelong learning. “I encourage all stakeholders to get involved and have a say as the Government moves forward with this innovative idea for a National Skills Passport. Everyone’s vision and ideas will be valued” said Minister Clare.








Applications are open for Round 3 of the National Industry PhD Program

Applications for Industry PhD scholarships have opened today for candidates wanting to undertake industry-focused research projects and develop the knowledge and skills to better translate university research into new products and services. The National Industry PhD Program is part of a $296 million government initiative to build a foundation of research talent skilled in university-industry collaboration and harness the world-class research Australian universities are known for. Thirty-two research projects were funded under Round 1 and 40 projects were awarded funding under Round 2.  Applications for Round 3 close on 15 March 2024.





Action Plan Addressing Gender-based Violence in Higher Education

On 23 February 2024, Education Ministers agreed to and released the Action Plan Addressing Gender-based Violence in Higher Education (the Action Plan).

The Action Plan recognises the unique role that higher education providers can and must play in driving the broader social change needed to address gender-based violence, as well as the distinct responsibilities they hold in relation to creating safe study, work, social and living environments.





The Australian Universities Accord Final Report has been released

On 25 February 2024, the Hon Jason Clare MP, Minister for Education announced the release of the Accord Final Report. The Final Report contains 47 recommendations to Government and aims to create a long-term reform plan for the higher education sector to meet Australia’s future skills needs. The Report is the product of 12-months work by an expert review panel chaired by Professor Mary O’Kane which was informed by 820 public submissions. The Government will consider the Panel’s recommendations. The Panel thanks all stakeholders who have taken the time to engage in consultations or made submissions.










Leading the way in Australia’s recycling and clean energy research

Assistant Minister for Education, Senator the Hon Anthony Chisholm has officially launched the inaugural showcase for the Trailblazer for Recycling and Clean Energy (TRaCE) supporting Australia’s transition to a net zero future. The University of New South Wales, in partnership with the University of Newcastle, are leading TRaCE to advance Australia’s clean energy, recycling and decarbonisation technologies, moving innovative technologies out of the lab and into global manufacturing. TRaCE has anticipated funding of $280 million including approximately $116 million of co-contributions from a number of industry partners. TRaCE will work with these partners to establish a fully integrated ecosystem for recycling and clean energy research commercialisation, supporting 5,200 regional jobs and boosting the Australian economy by up to $15 billion over the next 20 years.








New Regional University Study Hubs Announced

The Albanese Labor Government today announced the locations of 10 new Regional University Study Hubs across the country, bringing university closer to students living in the regions. The new University Study Hubs are part of the Government’s response to the Universities Accord Interim Report. In total, the Government is investing $66.9 million to establish 20 more Regional University Study Hubs, and up to 14 new Suburban University Study Hubs in the outer suburbs of our major cities. Today’s announcement is for the first 10 new Regional University Study Hubs. Applications for the next 10 and for the 14 Suburban University Study Hubs (SUSHs) will open in coming months. The current 34 Hubs support nearly 4,000 students, studying more than 1,000 different courses, through more than 200 tertiary education providers. They provide spaces and a range of services to support students, including those from low socio-economic backgrounds, First Nations students and students with disability. The new Regional University Study Hubs are expected to be available to students over the next 12 months.








New locations announced for Regional University Study Hubs

Minister for Education, the Hon Jason Clare MP, has announced 10 new Regional University Study Hubs. In response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report, the Australian Government announced funding to double the number of Hubs across the country, including up to 20 additional Regional University Study Hubs.

The hubs help students in regional and remote areas access tertiary education without having to leave their community. They provide student support and campus-style facilities for students who study online. The Australian Government will also provide additional funding to support two existing Country Universities Centres located in Cowra and Mudgee in New South Wales. These 12 hubs are in addition to the existing 34 hubs located across all states and the Northern Territory. There will be a future application round to establish additional Hubs at a later date.









整理人:23级国别与区域研究生 王翠芳