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Proposed reform to superannuation death benefits

The Law Council of Australia provided a submission to the Treasurer to recommend reform to the superannuation death benefit framework in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth) (SIS Act) and Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (Cth) (SIS Regs).

The Law Council recommends a proposal set out in the submission. The proposal is to simplify and improve the framework by amending the SIS Act to require that all superannuation death benefits form part of the estate of deceased person, except where that person has made a binding death benefit nomination.

In the Law Council’s view, the proposal would:

  • provide greater certainty and autonomy for all members of superannuation funds in their succession planning;

  • be consistent with key rule of law  principles, by:

    • providing a clear, consistent and tatutorily authorised means to distribute superannuation death benefits;

    • determining disputes about distribution through judicial processes, applying settled principles; and

  • significantly reduce delays in the provision of superannuation death benefits. Proposed reform to superannuation death benefits.

At the very least, the Law Council recommends that the Commonwealth Government give effect to the recommendation made by the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) in its 2017 Report, Elder Abuse—A National Legal Response, that the structure and drafting of the provisions relating to death benefit nominations in the SIS Act and SIS Regs be reviewed.


澳大利亚法律委员会向财政部长提交了一份意见书,建议改革《1993年退休金行业(监督)法》(联邦)(《SIS法》)和《1994年退休金行业(监督)条例》(联邦)(SIS Regs)。



  • 为养老基金所有相关成员的继承计划提供更大的确定性和自主权;

  • 通过以下方式与关键的法治原则保持一致:

    • 为分配退休金死亡抚恤金提供明确、一致和法定授权的方法;

    • 通过司法程序确定有关分配的争议,应用已解决的原则;

  • 大幅减少对养老金死亡抚恤金发放的拖延情况发生。拟议对养老金死亡抚恤金改革。


来源: 2024 National Pro Bono Target Review: Consultation Paper - Law Council of Australia


The role of courts in shaping legal transformation

Speech delivered by Mr Greg McIntyre SC, Law Council of Australia President, at the Fiji Law Society Convention 2024, 19 January 2024, Fiji.

"I acknowledge the distinguished guests who have been referred to, the Acting Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, the Solicitor-General and the President of the Fiji Law Association.

The role of the Courts in shaping legal transformation is a topic close to my heart, having devoted most of my years in legal practice to the areas of Native Title, Aboriginal heritage protection, environmental law and racial discrimination.

In this presentation I will share with you a series of landmark Australian cases – some historic cases on the rights of First Nations Australians (a number of which I was personally involved in); as well as more recent cases relating to climate change which continue to test legal boundaries."


2024119日,澳大利亚法律委员会主席Greg McIntyre SC先生在斐济举行的2024年斐济法律协会大会上发表的讲话。




来源: The role of courts in shaping legal transformation - Law Council of Australia


Justice System’s Response to Sexual Violence Inquiry Begins

The Australian Law Reform (ALRC) has begun its inquiry into the justice system’s response to sexual violence.

Attorney-General, the Honourable Mark Dreyfus KC MP, has referred the inquiry to the ALRC with the aim of strengthening and harmonising sexual assault and consent laws.

The referral asks the ALRC to promote and consider just outcomes for people who have experienced sexual violence, including minimising re-traumatisation.

The inquiry’s terms of reference require the ALRC to examine a range of issues including:

  • Laws and frameworks about evidence, court procedures/processes and jury directions.

  • Laws about consent.

  • Policies, practices, decision-making, and oversight and accountability mechanisms for police and prosecutors.

  • Training and professional development for judges, police, and legal practitioners to enable trauma-informed and culturally safe justice responses.

  • Support and services available to people who have experienced sexual violence, from the period prior to reporting to the period after the conclusion of formal justice system processes.

  • Alternatives to criminal rosecution, including restorative justice, civil claims, compensation schemes, and specialist court approaches.

The ALRC will take a take a trauma-informed, holistic, whole-of-systems, and transformative approach to its inquiry, whilst considering matters raised for reform and detailed in prior reports and inquiries.

The inquiry will consult with relevant stakeholders across Australia, including but not limited to:

  • people who have experienced sexual violence.

  • people and organisations representing population cohorts that are overrepresented in sexual violence statistics.

  • state and territory government and law enforcement agencies.

  • policy and research organisations.

  • community service providers; and

  • the legal profession including prosecution and defence lawyers.

The ALRC has been asked to provide its final report to the Attorney-General by 22 January 2025.



总检察长马克·德雷福斯(Mark Dreyfus KC)议员阁下已将调查提交给ALRC,目的是加强和协调性侵犯和同意法。



  • 有关证据、法庭程序/程序和陪审团指示的法律和框架。

  • 关于同意的法律。

  • 警察和检察官的政策、做法、决策以及监督和问责机制。

  • 为法官、警察和法律从业人员提供培训和专业发展,以实现创伤知情和文化安全的司法反应。

  • 为遭受性暴力的人提供的支持和服务,从报告前的时期到正式司法系统程序结束后的时期。

  • 刑事起诉的替代方案,包括恢复性司法、民事索赔、赔偿计划和专业法院方法。

ALRC 将采取创伤知情、整体、全系统和变革性的调查方法,同时考虑提出的改革事项,并在先前的报告和调查中详细说明。


  • 遭受过性暴力的人。

  • 代表在性暴力统计数据中占比过高的人口群体的个人和组织。

  • 州和领地政府和执法机构。

  • 政策和研究组织。

  • 社区服务提供者;

  • 法律专业,包括控方和辩护律师。


来源: Justice System’s Response to Sexual Violence Inquiry Begins | ALRC


Establishing effective mechanisms at the national and regional levels for implementation of United Nations Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples

The Law Council of Australia thanks the Expert Mechanism for the opportunity to provide input into the Study concerning States’ measures to achieve the ends of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). The Law Council acknowledges the support of its Indigenous Legal Issues Committee in the preparation of this submission.

The Law Council considers domestic implementation of the UNDRIP as foundational to addressing the inequality faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across Australia, including within the justice system.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have been subject to dispossession, discrimination, and significant breaches of human rights across multiple areas, historically and in contemporary Australia—not least in the protection of cultural heritage, the treatment of persons in contact with the criminal justice and child protection systems, and compulsory management of social security income.

These practices and impacts continue in the present day, including through the policies of governments and public institutions, extending cycles of intergenerational trauma, disrespect, and injustice, and contributing to broader political, economic, social, and cultural disadvantage and barriers to wellbeing and improved life expectancy.

The need for systemic reform is critical and urgent. There is a need for a national shift in perspective that will require national leadership. The UNDRIP provides a principled framework for respecting, protecting, and fulfilling the individual and collective rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and pursuing their full participation and empowerment across the political, economic, social, and cultural apparatus of the State.







来源:Establishing effective mechanisms at the national and regional levels for implementation of United Nations Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples - Law Council of Australia



Evidence does not support wholesale changes to merger regime

The Law Council of Australia has challenged the contention that mergers always lead to an increase in prices and a reduction in productivity and that therefore radical reform of Australia’s merger regime is urgently needed.

“The Competition Review Taskforce has undertaken consultation on Australia’s merger review processes,” Law Council of Australia President, Mr Greg McIntyre SC said.

“The Law Council, through its Business Law Section, has made two submissions to this review. In its main submission, it recommended that while improvements to the merger regime can and should be made, the current model has proven over several decades to largely strike the right balance.

“This week it made a supplementary submission in response to late input to the review provided by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), which reiterated calls for significant reforms which in the Law Council’s view are not supported by robust evidence.

“The Law Council, led by its Business Law Section, is concerned that taken as a package, the ACCC’s proposals are unbalanced and would have a chilling effect on investment in Australia and increase the regulatory burden and transaction costs for deals that are productivity-enhancing.

“The result of the ACCC’s proposals would be to remove the checks and balances that currently underpin our merger regime. Over time, this lower, subjective threshold and lack of oversight could erode the quality and rigour of merger decision making by the ACCC.

“The submissions made by the Law Council’s Business Law Section provide a detailed review of the evidence. They conclude that the case has not been made for these changes. It is essential that careful consideration is given to the views of all stakeholders before further proceeding”.



竞争审查工作组已经就澳大利亚的合并审查程序进行了咨询,澳大利亚法律委员会主席Greg McIntyre SC先生说。






来源: Evidence does not support wholesale changes to merger regime - Law Council of Australia


New methods of completing a Commonwealth statutory declaration

Since 2021, the Law Council and its Modernising Document Execution Working Group have been contributing to reform measures in relation to the modernisation of document execution. A key focus has been the permanent retention of temporary measures developed during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the implementation of measures contained in the Australian Government’s deregulation agenda. At all times, the Law Council has adopted an approach towards modernised document execution which accommodates the needs and limitations of parties, while minimising opportunities for fraud and abuse in the utilisation of new technologies.

The most recent contribution has been the Law Council’s submission to the Statutory Declarations Amendment Bill 2023, in which conditional support was provided for reforms to the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 (Cth), to enable the electronic execution of Commonwealth statutory declarations. These measures passed the Parliament in late 2023 and have since been implemented. Further details on the new options for executing a Commonwealth statutory declaration available on the Attorney-General’s website.

We thank the Modernising Document Execution Working Group, led by John Keeves from the Law Council’s Business Law Section, for their work on what has been a significant reform package over the past several years. The Law Council will continue to monitor implementation of the reforms in the coming months.



最近的贡献是法律委员会向《2023年法定声明修订法案》提交的文件,其中为1959年法定声明法》(联邦)的改革提供了有条件的支持,以使联邦法定声明能够以电子方式执行。这些措施于 2023 年底在议会获得通过,此后一直实施。有关执行联邦法定声明的新选项的更多详细信息,请访问总检察长网站

我们感谢由法律委员会商法科的约翰·基夫斯(John Keeves)领导的现代化文件执行工作组,感谢他们在过去几年中为一项重要的改革方案所做的工作。法律委员会会在未来数月继续监察改革的实施情况。

来源: New methods of completing a Commonwealth statutory declaration - Law Council of Australia


            Modern Slavery Amendment (Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner) Bill 2023

The Law Council made a submission on 9 February 2024 to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee in response to its inquiry into the Modern Slavery Amendment (Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner) Bill 2023.

The Law Council has expressed strong support for the establishment of an Anti-Slavery Commissioner since 2016, recognizing it as a pivotal development in effectively addressing and countering modern slavery across the country. In its submission, the Law Council expressed support for the Bill and suggested the following improvements to the Bill:

  • Adding the review of Modern Slavery Statements to the Commissioner’s functions.

  • Strengthening the wording to better align with the UN Guiding Principles.

  • Clarifying of the scope of international instruments to which the Commissioner is to have regard.

  • Ensuring that the Commissioner has adequate independence, including full discretion over the office’s strategic plan.

  • Ensuring that the qualifications, knowledge, and experience requirements for the role are strong.

  • Amending proposed section 20Y to enable the Commissioner to report on non-compliance with reasonable requests for information.

The Law Council also recommended that the Australian Government expand legal assistance services for victims of modern slavery and trafficking, as this is a vital complementary measure to combat modern slavery.

The Law Council made all of these points at a hearing before the Committee on 19 February 2024, at which it was represented by Business and Human Rights Committee Chair Greg Vickery AO and member Sunil Rao.

The Law Council is grateful to its Business and Human Rights Committee, National Human Rights Committee and Constituent Bodies for the input they each provided to its submissions on this Bill.



2016 年以来,法律委员会对设立反奴隶制专员一直表示的强烈支持,认为这是在全国范围内有效解决和打击现代奴隶制的关键发展的一步。法律委员会在意见书中表示支持《条例草案》,并建议对《条例草案》作出以下改进:

  • 将《现代奴隶制声明》的审查纳入专员的职能。

  • 优化措辞,以更好地与《联合国指导原则》对齐。

  • 明确专员应注意的国际文书的范围。

  • 确保专员具有足够的独立性,包括对办公室的战略计划拥有充分的自主决定权。

  • 确保对该职位资格、知识储备和经验高要求。

  • 修订建议的第20Y条,使专员能够报告未遵循合理的提供信息的要求的情况。


法律委员会在2024219日的委员会听证会上提出了所有这些观点,商业和人权委员会主席Greg Vickery AO和成员Sunil Rao代表出席了听证会。


来源:Modern Slavery Amendment (Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner) Bill 2023 - Law Council of Australia


Bilateral Meetings with International Counterparts

In February, Law Council President, Mr Greg McIntyre SC, attended two virtual bilateral meetings with international counterparts.

On 15 February 2024, the President met virtually with the President of the Malaysian Bar, Ms Karen Cheah Yee Lynn. President McIntyre and President Cheah discussed the priorities of the Law Council and the Malaysian Bar for the year ahead and common issues including encroachments on client legal privilege and support for the legal assistance sector.

President Cheah concludes her term later this month, however President McIntyre will have the opportunity to meet with her and the incoming President of the Malaysian Bar later this year at the President of Law Associations in Asia (POLA) Summit in Hong Kong in June and the LAWASIA Annual Conference to be held in Kuala Lumpur in October.

On 26 February 2024, the President and Chief Executive Officer, Dr James Popple met virtually with President Lisa Sam and the senior leadership of the Law Society of Singapore. The Law Council and the Law Society of Singapore discussed how the both organisations could collaborate and share their experiences in responding to generative AI, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regimes and the transition towards cashless economies. President McIntyre outlined recent submissions which the Law Council had made in each of these areas.

The Law Society of Singapore also shared findings from the Interim Report of its Ethics and Professional Standards Committee published in December 2023. The findings of the report were accepted by the Chief Justice of Singapore during the country’s Opening of the Legal Year 2024.

President McIntyre will meet in person with the Law Society of Singapore later this year during the POLA Summit and LAWASIA Annual Conference, and will look to sign an updated Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with President Sam – the previous MoU between the two bodies having been signed in 1996.


2月,法律委员会主席Greg McIntyre SC先生出席了与国际同行的两次线上双边会议。

2024 2 15 日,主席与马来西亚律师公会会长 Karen Cheah Yee Lynn 女士进行了线上会面。麦金太尔会长和谢会长讨论了法律委员会和马来西亚律师公会未来一年的优先事项,以及包括侵犯客户的法律特权问题和对法律援助部门的支持问题在内的共同问题。


2024 2 26 日,新加坡律师协会会长兼首席执行官 James Popple 博士与新加坡律师会会长 Lisa Sam 和高级领导层进行了线上会晤。法律委员会和新加坡律师公会讨论了两个组织如何合作并分享他们在应对生成式人工智能、反洗钱和反恐融资制度以及向无现金经济过渡方面的经验。麦金太尔庭长概述了法律委员会最近在这些领域中提出的每一个意见。

新加坡律师会还分享了其道德与专业标准委员会于 2023 12 月发布的中期报告的调查结果。新加坡首席大法官在该国 2024 年法律年度开幕期间认可了该报告的调查结果。


来源: Bilateral Meetings with International Counterparts - Law Council of Australia



2024 National Pro Bono Target Review: Consultation Paper

The Law Council of Australia responded to the Australian Pro Bono Centre in relation to its December 2023 Consultation Paper, 2024 National Pro Bono Target Review.

As the Law Council remarked in its 2018 Final Report of the Justice Project, the pro bono contribution of the Australian legal profession is a substantial — and celebrated — aspect of Australia’s legal culture. Australian lawyers provide hundreds of thousands of pro bono work hours every year to those who are otherwise unable to access legal services. The Law Council was particularly pleased to note that, in the 2022–23 financial year, signatories to the Target reported undertaking 700,910 hours of ‘pro bono legal services’, an increase of 8.6 per cent on the previous financial year.

The Law Council recognises that there are ongoing challenges with meeting demand for individuals and organisations that require pro bono legal support, noting in particular that disadvantaged individuals often have complex legal needs, and face multiple barriers to accessing justice, particularly in regional, rural and remote (RRR) areas. Traditionally, there has been high demand for pro bono services for matters involving family law, immigration, employment, housing and criminal law.

In addition, the legal profession is increasingly engaging in pro bono work with a new strategic focus by identifying priority groups—and priority areas of law—for pro bono assistance. It has been a tumultuous several years for Australia, including extreme weather events, the COVID-19 pandemic, and an uncertain economy. As a result, new cohorts have emerged who are struggling to access legal services: for example, farmers affected by droughts and floods, and small businesses impacted by emergency public health measures or natural disasters. These groups require assistance in different areas of law, such as business law, taxation and insurance.





此外,法律界中越来越多的人参与公益工作,他们通过确定优先群体和判断优先帮助的法律领域这种新的战略重心为需要的人提供无偿援助。过去几年时期,澳大利亚风雨飘摇。其中动荡因素包括极端的天气事件、COVID-19 疫情和不明朗的经济。因此,出现了需要但很难去获得法律服务的新群体:例如,受干旱和洪水影响的农民,以及受紧急公共卫生措施或自然灾害影响的小企业。这些群体需要不同法律领域如商业法、税收和保险的援助。

来源: 2024 National Pro Bono Target Review: Consultation Paper - Law Council of Australia


Australia-United Kingdom Legal Services Regulatory Dialogue

On 5-6 March 2024, President Greg McIntyre SC represented the Law Council of Australia in the inaugural plenary meetings of the Australia-UK Legal Services Regulatory Dialogue (the Dialogue). The Dialogue is a mechanism established under the Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement through which representatives of the legal sectors of Australia and the UK can come together to consider regulatory issues relevant to trade in legal services.

President McIntyre was joined by the Hon. Arthur Emmett AO KC, Chair of the Law Admissions Consultative Committee and the Legal Services Council Admissions Committee, Ms Heather Moore, Legal Services Council CEO and Commissioner for Legal Services Regulation, as well as representatives from the Law Society of England and Wales, the Solicitors Regulation Authority, the General Council of the Bar of England and Wales, the Bar Standards Board, the Law Society of Scotland, the Faculty of Advocates, the Law Society of Northern Ireland and the General Council of the Bar of Northern Ireland.


2024 3 5 日至 6 日,澳大利亚法律委员会会长格雷格麦金泰尔代表澳大利亚法律委员会出席了澳大利亚-英国法律服务监管对话(对话)的首次全体会议。此次对话会议是根据《澳大利亚-英国自由贸易协定》建立的机制,通过该机制,澳大利亚和英国法律界的代表可以聚集在一起,审议与法律服务贸易有关的监管问题。

麦金泰尔会长(President McIntyre)与法律准入咨询委员会(Law Admissions Consultative Committee)和法律服务委员会准入委员会(Legal Services Council Admissions Committee)的会长,荣誉成员亚瑟·埃门特爵士(the Hon. Arthur Emmett AO KC),法律服务委员会(Legal Services Council)的首席执行官(CEO)兼法律服务监管专员(Commissioner for Legal Services Regulation)希瑟·摩尔女士(Ms Heather Moore)以及来自以下机构的代表共同出席:

英格兰及威尔士律师协会(the Law Society of England and Wales

律师监管局(Solicitors Regulation Authority

英格兰和威尔士大律师公会(the General Council of the Bar of England and Wales

律师标准委员会(Bar Standards Board

苏格兰律师协会(the Law Society of Scotland

苏格兰上庭律师公会(the Faculty of Advocates

北爱尔兰律师协会(the Law Society of Northern Ireland

北爱尔兰大律师公会(the General Council of the Bar of Northern Ireland)。

来源: Australia-United Kingdom Legal Services Regulatory Dialogue - Law Council of Australia

整理人:23级国别与区域研究生  熊醒握