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简介:澳大利亚法律委员会(Law Council of Australia )是澳大利亚法律界的最高国家代表机构。澳大利亚法律委员会在国家一级代表法律界;代表其组成机构就联邦、国家和国际问题发言;促进和捍卫法治;并促进司法行政、诉诸司法和法律的普遍改进。法律委员会是一个联邦组织,通过其律师协会、律师协会和澳大利亚律师事务所(组成机构)代表超过104,000名澳大利亚律师。



Public hearing: Treasury Laws Amendment (Tax Accountability and Fairness) Bill 2023

On 9 April 2024, representatives from the Law Council of Australia attended a public hearing in response to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Tax Accountability and Fairness) Bill 2023.

The panel of witnesses included, Mr Steven Stevens, Chair, Professional Ethics Committee; Mr David Castle, Member, Taxation Committee, Business Law Section; Mr Tim Neilson, Member, Taxation Committee, Business Law Section; and Mr John Farrell, Executive Policy Lawyer, Law Council of Australia.

The Law Council’s submission to this Inquiry responds to the first four schedules of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Tax Accountability and Fairness) Bill. These schedules largely seek to implement measures in response to the ‘PwC tax leaks scandal’.

The events surrounding the PwC scandal have highlighted the need for reform to the regulatory arrangements applying to tax practitioners, and the Law Council welcomes appropriate measures designed to strengthening the integrity of our tax system. In particular, we support the Government’s public interest objective in ensuring that the tax profession respects its professional and ethical responsibilities. While acknowledging this important goal, the Law Council has identified a number of key areas in which we consider the Bill can be improved.


202449日,澳大利亚法律委员会的代表出席了针对《2023 年财政法修正案(税收问责和公平)法案》的公开听证会。证人小组包括:职业道德委员会主席史蒂文·史蒂文斯(Steven·Stevens先生;大卫·卡塞尔(David ·Castle先生,商法组税务委员会成员蒂姆·尼尔森(Tim ·Neilson先生;以及澳大利亚法律委员会执行政策律师约翰·法雷尔(John·Farrell先生。法律委员会向本次调查提交的意见书是对《财政法修正案(税务问责和公平)条例法案》前四个附表的回应。这些时间表主要是为了实施应对普华永道泄税丑闻的措施。围绕罗兵咸永道丑闻的事件凸显了对适用于税务从业员的监管安排进行改革的必要性,法律委员会欢迎旨在加强我们税收制度完整性的适当措施。特别是,我们支持政府的公共利益目标,即确保税务专业尊重其专业和道德责任。法律委员会在确认这一重要目标的同时,也指出了我们认为《条例法案》可以改进的若干关键范畴。(详情请见附件)


2024 4 10

Annual Bannerman Competition Lecture

Since 2015, the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) and the Law Council of Australia’s Business Law Section (BLS) have jointly hosted an annual public lecture in recognition of the contribution of Mr Ron Bannerman AO, the first Chair of the Trade Practices Commission (the ACCC’s predecessor). His work established a solid foundation in Australia for modern competition, fair trading and consumer protection policies and laws.

The 2024 Bannerman Lecture held in Sydney on 10 April 2024 coincided with the 50th anniversary of theTrade Practices Act 1974(cth)and is the 10th iteration of the lecture. The lecture, in honour of the late Ron Bannerman AO, a renowned figure in the field of competition law and regulation, was delivered by The Hon Dr Jim Chalmers, Treasurer of Australia, who focused on the Albanese Government’s agenda to build a more competitive, productive and dynamic economy.

The annual Bannerman Competition Lecture has become one of the most important events on the competition law calendar in Australia. It was pleasing to see such a strong attendance of more than 200 in person attendees at the event, with another 350 viewing live online both domestically and internationally.


2015年以来,澳大利亚竞争与消费者委员会(ACCC)和澳大利亚法律委员会商法部(BLS)联合举办了年度公开讲座,以表彰贸易惯例委员会(ACCC的前身)首任主席罗恩·班纳曼·敖(Ron Bannerman AO先生的贡献。他的工作为澳大利亚的现代竞争、公平贸易和消费者保护政策和法律奠定了坚实的基础。

2024410日在悉尼举行的2024年班纳曼讲座恰逢《1974年贸易惯例法》(联邦)颁布50周年,也是第10届讲座。该讲座是为了纪念已故的竞争法和监管领域的知名人物罗恩·班纳曼(Ron Bannerman AO),由澳大利亚财政部长吉姆·查默斯(Jim Chalmers)博士阁下主讲,他重点介绍了阿尔巴尼斯政府建立更具竞争力、生产力和活力的经济的议程。



2024 Annual Bannerman Competition Lecture - Law Council of Australia


Punishment after the event rarely works

Opinion piece by Law Council President, Mr Greg McIntyre SC, first published in The Canberra Times, 26 April 2024.

Where does fault lie when a child commits a crime?

If you listen to many commentators, the child is totally to blame and should be locked up and the key thrown away!Or perhaps, as implied by a Private Member’s Bill recently introduced to Federal Parliament, we can point our finger at social media and young people’s desire for ‘likes.’

The truth is, the reasons children are driven to commit a crime are complex. We know the major risks factors for youth criminality include poverty, homelessness, abuse and neglect, inadequate education, mental health conditions, cognitive disability and having one or more parents with a criminal record.

There is no question that when a criminal act is committed authorities must act to protect and support victims of crime, protect the community, and there should be consequences for offenders; but why aren’t we doing more to prevent these crimes in the first place?

It seems many think the only responsibility of our community and the criminal justice system is to step in once a crime has been committed; and then only to dole out punishment. Punishment after the event has no demonstrated effect in preventing crime.

While news reports and commentary might make it difficult to believe – for example, Shadow Attorney General Michaelia Cash recently declared: “Youth crime is out of control across our country” – it is still rare for a young child to commit a serious crime.

According toABS data, in 2022-23, Australia experienced its first increase in youth offending rates since 2009-10, and that percentage increase was modest (about 3.9%).

We need to ask ourselves why children end up in these situations – and target the underlying issues rather than promoting populist policing responses.

The evidence shows that youth crime is linked to disadvantage – poverty, poor health, lower education and higher support needs.

We are seeing children picked up by police for theft who cannot even remember when they last ate. All of us want the same thing – to be safe from crime. Every child deserves to be protected, cared for and guided. Promoting and prioritising the safety of children is a large part of the solution.

As the Australian Human Rights Commission report ‘Keeping kids safe and well – your voices’ highlights, the top three things children, young people and families need to feel safe are help with housing, mental health services, and assistance with basic needs like food, clothing, transport and school supplies.

Children who do not have these support systems face greater disadvantage and disengagement than their peers and when they act out, even in a minor way, are more likely to have their behaviour dealt with by authorities such as police and magistrates.

Contact with the criminal justice system in early adolescence can compromise children’s education and employment prospects. It increases the likelihood they will become entrenched in the criminal justice system, thus condemning them to a lifetime of disadvantage. We want our children to graduate from schools, not into adult prisons.

Research has also shown that locking children up does little to reduce crime overall long-term and can in fact begin and reinforce a cycle of criminalisation for that individual.

Everyone has a role to play, particularly our governments, who need to be putting more money towards therapeutic justice solutions that help reform youth offenders and put them back on the path to reaching their full potential.

We need to equip the entry points into our criminal justice system to better deal with these issues including resourcing police and courts to appropriately respond to and promote children’s safety. Our courts should also be providing access to specialist children’s lawyers to ensure accused children and young people understand their rights and obligations and are properly represented. We need to ensure that appropriate bail accommodation is readily available to avoid high proportions of children being detained on remand because other options are lacking.

Any approaches to improving youth justice must prioritise our First Nations children, who are grossly over-represented in our criminal justice system.

When developing policy, we must be guided by evidence and listen to the communities that are experiencing these issues firsthand and empower them to contribute to the solutions that are context and culturally appropriate.

So-called ‘solutions’ like making it tougher to be released on bail or a social media ban fall significantly short of what is needed. Knee-jerk reactions to media frenzies are a recipe for bad public policy. These types of responses do not put food on the table, keep children warmly clothed over winter, provide them with a stable home environment or improve school attendance and thus raise the chances of them being diverted from the criminal justice system.

If we are serious about addressing youth crime, we need serious solutions.


法律委员会主席格雷格·麦金太尔(Greg McIntyre SC先生的评论文章,首次发表于2024426日《堪培拉时报》上。







虽然新闻报道和评论可能让人难以置信--例如,影子司法部长米迦·卡什(Michaelia Cash)最近宣布:我们全国的青少年犯罪失控了”——但年幼的孩子犯下严重罪行仍然很少。















法律委员会主席Greg McIntyre SC先生



Exposure Draft of the Family Law (Superannuation) Regulations 2024

On 1 May 2024, the Law Council provided a comprehensive submission in response to the Attorney-General’s Department’s consultation on draft Family Law (Superannuation) Regulations 2024.

The proposed reforms are largely intended to modernise references, ensure alignment with the Family Law Act, provide clarity, and ensure that superannuation splitting arrangements keep pace with developments in superannuation products and with broader superannuation policy.

The Law Council’s submission, primarily guided by its Family Law Section and Legal Practice Section’s Superannuation Committee produced detailed responses against each of the 35 consultation questions.

A key focus of the Law Council’s submission was to identify opportunities for a more simplified process for splitting superannuation, noting that this is currently one of the more complex aspects of family law for parties to navigate. The Law Council will continue to monitor the progress of the reforms, including how the AGD responds to the Law Council’s recommendations prior to introducing the new Regulations into Parliament later this year.


2024 5 1 日,法律委员会就总检察长部就 2024 年家庭法(退休金)条例草案的咨询提交了一份全面的意见书。





International Bar Association Bar Leaders Conference and Mid-year Meetings

Law Council President, Greg McIntyre SC, attended the IBA Bar Leaders Conference and Mid-year meetings in Bucharest, Romania between 22–25 May 2024.

The President facilitated a roundtable session on the topic ‘Who speaks for the Bar? Presidents, executive leadership or its members?’ on Thursday, 23 May 2024 together with Paul Mollerup, Chief Executive of the Association of Danish Law Firms.

The President represented Australia at the IBA Council Meeting on Saturday, 25 May 2024.

During the meeting, the Law Council’s own Margery Nicoll AM was elected Honorary Life Member of the International Bar Association in recognition of her contributions to the IBA over the past 15 years. These include as the first Australian and the first female to Chair the IBA’s Bar Issues Commission and as a member of the IBA Management Board for six years.

Another Australian, Stephen Macliver AM, also received this same honour at the Council Meeting in recognition of his contributions to the IBA, which include five years as a member of the IBA Management Board and the Special Projects Fund Committee as well as Secretary-Treasurer of the IBA Human Rights Institute Council.

In the margins of the Conference, the President met with the Korean Bar Association, Taiwan Bar Association, the Law Society of England and Wales and the Bar Council of England and Wales.

The Law Council also signed an updated Memorandum of Understanding with the Korean Bar Association in recognition of the long-standing good relationship and history of collaboration between the organisations.


2024 5 22 日至 25 日,法律委员会主席格雷格·麦金太尔( Greg McIntyre SC 出席了在罗马尼亚布加勒斯特举行的 IBA 律师领袖会议和年中会议。

格雷格·麦金太尔主席主持了一次圆桌会议,主题是谁为律师协会发言?2024523日星期四,与丹麦律师事务所协会首席执行官 Paul Mollerup 一起。


在会议期间,法律委员会成员Margery Nicoll AM被选为国际律师协会的终身荣誉会员,以表彰她在过去15年中对IBA的贡献。包括:作为第一位澳大利亚人和第一位女性担任IBA律师问题委员会主席,并担任IBA管理委员会成员六年。

另一位澳大利亚人斯蒂芬·麦克利弗(Stephen Macliver AM)也在理事会会议上获得了同样的荣誉,以表彰他对IBA的贡献,他曾担任IBA管理委员会和特别项目基金委员会成员的五年以及IBA人权研究所理事会的秘书兼财务主管。






图片说明(从左至右):金英勋总统和格雷格·麦金太尔(Greg McIntyre)资深大律师。


图片说明 (从左至右) - Joseph LiuMei-nu Dagmar YuGreg McIntyre SCCharlotte StubbsHung Hsieh Hung Ou Yang


International Bar Association Bar Leaders Conference and Mid-year Meetings - Law Council of Australia


Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Declared Areas) Bill 2024: Appearance before the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security

On 20 May 2024, Law Council representatives, Dr David Neal SC, Co-Chair of the National Criminal Law Committee, and Shounok Chatterjee, Senior Policy Lawyer, appeared before the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security. That Committee is currently reviewing the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Declared Areas) Bill 2024.

The declared area regime makes it an offence for a person to enter or remain in an area prescribed by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade without legitimate reasons (which are prescribed narrowly in the legislation).

At the hearing, the Law Council reiterated our primary recommendation that the declared area offence be allowed to sunset on 7 September 2024 and not be extended.

We argued that the declared areas offence is unjustifiably broad. Unlike existing foreign incursion related offences, the declared area offence criminalises a person’s mere presence in a declared area regardless of any intended conduct in the area. It also puts Australia out of step with like-minded international jurisdictions that do not have a comparable regime. In addition, the Minister’s power to make declarations is unfettered and risks criminalising a wide range of innocent conduct.


2024520日,法律委员会代表、国家刑法委员会联合主席 David Neal SC 博士和高级政策律师 Shounok Chatterjee 出席了议会情报和安全联合委员会。该委员会目前正在审查《2024年反恐立法修正案(宣布区域)法案》。





Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Declared Areas) Bill 2024: Appearance before the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security - Law Council of Australia



Meeting with Ministerial Delegation from Malaysia

On 5 June 2024, Law Council President-elect Juliana Warner and Chief Executive Officer, Dr James Popple met with a Ministerial delegation from Malaysia.
The delegation visit to Australia was part of a multi-jurisdictional study tour examining separation of powers in government, so as to better inform law reform in Malaysia which seeks to separate the role of the Attorney General and Public Prosecutor.

The delegation which visited the Law Council Secretariat in Canberra, was led by the Deputy Minister in the Prime Ministers Office (Law and Institutional Reform), Mr M. Kulasegaran and comprised of members of the Malaysian Parliament, the President of the Malaysian Bar Council, Mr Mohamad Ezri, as well as senior officials from the Legal Affairs Division of the Prime Ministers Department.

President-elect Warner provided an overview of the Law Councils work and the separation of powers in Australia, noting the distinct functions of the Commonwealth Attorney-General, the Solicitor-General and the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP). Discussion focused on the independent role of the CDPP and the importance of transparency in Ministerial decision making.



图片说明:马来西亚部长级代表团与当选总统朱莉安娜·华纳(Juliana Warner)和法律委员会秘书处

202465日,法律委员会候任主席朱莉安娜·华纳 Juliana Warner 和首席执行官詹姆斯·波普尔 James Popple 博士会见了来自马来西亚的部长级代表团。


代表团访问了堪培拉的法律委员会秘书处,由总理办公室(法律和体制改革)副部长(M. Kulasegaran)先生率领,成员包括马来西亚国会议员、马来西亚律师公会主席穆罕默德·埃兹里(Mohamad Ezri先生以及总理署法律事务司的高级官员。





图片说明L:穆罕默德·埃兹里(Mohamad Ezri)总统和朱莉安娜·华纳(Juliana Warner)拿着马来西亚律师公会于2000年与法律委员会签署的谅解备忘录副本。


Meeting with Ministerial Delegation from Malaysia - Law Council of Australia


Law Council President's Message - June 2024

There have been two major pieces of news since my last column – one good, one disappointing, but that, combined, create a need for significant and urgent advocacy.

The good news is the release of Dr Warren Mundy’s review of the National Legal Assistance Partnership, which makes a large number of recommendations that reflect the warnings and proposals we and others have been making for many years.  

The less happy news is that on 14 May, the Federal Budget was released. Despite, the Commonwealth Government having the NLAP review for a number of months prior to Budget night, it provided no guaranteed, long-term boost in funding for our legal assistance services.



好消息是沃伦·蒙迪博士(Warren Mundy)发布了对国家法律援助伙伴关系的审查,该审查提出了大量建议,反映了我们和其他人多年来一直在提出的警告和建议。不太令人高兴的消息是,514日,联邦预算发布了。尽管联邦政府在预算之夜前几个月对NLAP进行了审查,但它并没有为我们的法律援助服务提供有保证的长期资金支持。



Presidents of Law Associations of Asia Summit 2024

On 7-8 June 2024, Law Council President Greg McIntyre SC represented the Law Council at the Presidents of Law Associations of Asia (POLA) Summit held in Hong Kong SAR. In addition to delivering a report on the Law Council’s activities at the Presidents’ Meeting, President McIntyre featured as a panellist in a working session titled ‘Keys to Sustainability of the Legal Profession’ and spoke about talent attraction and retention. In the margins of the Summit, the President met with the Law Society of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Bar Association, New Zealand Law Society, Malaysian Bar, Bar Association of India, the Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADI) and the Law Society of Singapore. The Law Council also signed an updated MOU with the Law Society of Singapore during the visit.

While in Hong Kong, the Law Council hosted a reception for 60 Australian lawyers practising in Hong Kong at the Residence of Australian Consul-General to Hong Kong, Mr Gareth Williams. The event was warmly received by the Australian and Australian-qualified lawyers in attendance, including Justice Kevin Zervos SC JP and Law Institute of Victoria President (and Law Council Director) Mr Matthew Hibbins.


202467日至8日,律师会会长麦金太尔Greg McIntyre SC)资深大律师代表律师会出席在香港特别行政区举行的亚洲律师协会会长峰会。除了在主席会议上就法律委员会的活动作报告外,麦金太尔庭长还作为小组成员参加了题为法律专业可持续发展的关键的工作会议,并谈到了吸引和留住人才的问题。在峰会期间,麦金太尔会长会见了香港律师会、香港大律师公会、新西兰律师公会、马来西亚律师公会、印度律师公会、印度尼西亚律师公会和新加坡律师公会。在访问期间,法律委员会还与新加坡律师会签署了一份更新的谅解备忘录。

在香港期间,法律委员会在澳大利亚驻香港总领事雷思·威廉姆斯先生(Gareth Williams的官邸为60名在香港执业的澳大利亚律师举办了招待会。此次活动受到出席的澳洲及澳洲合资格律师的热烈欢迎,包括大法官凯文·泽沃斯法官(Kevin Zervos SC JP及维多利亚州法律学院院长(兼法律委员会主任)Matthew Hibbins先生。


                                                     整理人:2023级国别与区域研究生   张成枝